Sunday, March 26, 2023

"Let It Be" Not just a Beatles classic

 No, not just a Beatles classic, but a thought, an idea, a plea for us to let people be, no matter their differences. 

Indoctrinate, Teach. These words have different and yet similar meanings, one, more negative than the other. 

When we're born, it is incumbent on the parent(s) or guardian to raise and/or teach their child a set of principles, of values that will hopefully teach them how to be kind individuals as they get older, because, at such a young age, we are not meant to think for ourselves. But as we get older, we learn various things. New ideas, new concepts, that may and sometimes do shape one's way of thinking, and what to believe. Some of this may have been set into them by previous teachings during childhood.  

To be aware of social injustices perpetrated upon individuals for reasons that don't coincide with what "one" believes, it's not fair to those who do believe such things. I "liken" woke" to "aware". Being aware, and hopefully properly informed of such issues that affect many people.
Being woke is another word for being aware, "woke" is simply something to invoke emotion, an emotional response. It's a makeshift(?) synonym if anything. It's the people, the varying thoughts, and opinions that are lighting the proverbial fire that's sparking controversy, and debate, which in this day, turn into heated arguments with only accusations, much of it unfounded by facts, but by the irresponsibility of individuals who speak without thinking, only to be heard, or to hear themselves talk, which only makes themselves proud, which lasts for a short time, then they move onto something else. I feel that this ADHD-like thinking resurged in the later years of "Gen-X", my generation. And it's gotten worse.
We, people have "license" to say anything we want, with the advent of social media, the internet, I've said this many times before, people are speaking their minds, and we were realizing that many possess or neglect to express intelligence, myself included at times, I'll admit.
   LGBTQIA+-Who are "you" to say how we should live life our lives? There are things that have been written, been said that would have us believe certain things, that we should or should be or do certain things, in certain ways. How many years ago were those things written? And now, because of the freedom to say what we will, those things are being used as weapons, something else that downgrades others. If you believe such things that have been written or said, why would you allow them to be used to harm others? Yes, words hurt, and "actions speak louder than words", I believed that once, based on what I saw, from others. But now, words are ending lives, believe it.

I "speak" not to get through to everyone, but to hopefully get through to many, and maybe change the language that is spoken among us.

Let people be, don't believe everything you hear, and do proper research. If something makes you twinge a little, think about it before you either do it, say it, or act on it.  

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Reflecting on "2020"

 It's been six years since I've spoken here, I think that the events of the past year have made me want to reflect, react, and talk about a few things. This year has been the most difficult in many of our lifetimes. Not since the Swine Flu of 2009 have we been in this much disarray.  A lot to talk about. Shutdowns, closures, businesses closing, lives changing, Omg! Lives changing, Ha! That's an understatement. Over 300,000 lives lost. I can't fathom that. I refuse to, but it's true. 

Say what you will, I really don't care if you disagree with me. We've had a president who doesn't give a god damn about anyone but himself, and what/who will help him. That's enough of that. lol. Our saving graces, haha, that's funny, because one of our saving graces is a nurse, a medical worker, a friend named Grace. The medical workers, first responders, doctors, nurses. People who care for others! The other day, I heard a fire truck siren, and thought, "You know, I haven't heard many of those this year," I would usually hear them just about every day, it was like a normal occurrence, a normal sound, thing to me. "Ignorance" is a lack of understanding. I'd like to think that I don't understand why people don't social distance, wear masks. It's for different reasons. They don't believe or trust what they are being told, they don't care, or they think that it won't happen to them. The majority of people understand, they just refuse to believe what is "right in front of them". 

"Stupidity" is behavior that shows a lack of good sense or judgment. We've seen a lot of that this year as well. And I understand it, to a degree. for some, it's been frustration, the frustration of not being able to go out and do things, see people, be with friends and loved ones. I saw something the other day that made me laugh. "Hey, wanna get together? I'll send you a link." Lol. Thank goodness for social media. Lol, there are two sides to that, but I digress. lol. For us in the U.S. Zoom( has been a wonderful thing, I feel like it's brought me together with people whom I haven't connected with, in a long time. I zoom with my mom, our cousins, my aunt, and it's a blast. Thank you Zoom for keeping us together. 

We have a vaccine, two vaccines, and another soon to be on the way I've just heard, and they can't come soon enough. I will be taking the vaccine, and I will deal with the potential third eye, arm, or nipple if that should happen. lol (things said on social media) "Facepalm". lol

The first thing that I want to do when we're able to again, is to go for a ride with my cousins Chris and Carole. It's written, documented lol. Chris, Carole. Xoxo

I'm praying for a far better year in 2021. Cheers to that! 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Life. And All That's With It

I'm 36 yrs old, and at times I don't feel like I have much to show for it. Sure, I'm a nice guy, a very nice guy, whatever. But I don't have a job, I'm collecting Social Security, which I am not thrilled about. And I have a case of what I call undiagnosed ADD up the wazoo. I'm not sure what I want to do as fair as a career, and my future consists of going day by day. 

I want more. I want something to happen. I want something to give. I don't know..I know that I give up on things way too quickly. Basically if I don't get what I want now, I won't strive for it. I don't know if I know what I want. No, I want to make some money, Ha like we all due. And the economy is improving, as much we don't want to admit it. I just want something to happen. I want that "Thing" to pop into my head and say "Hey, do this." 

Podcasting. Podcasting isn't a job for me, it isn't a profession, it's a hobby. And this hobby is starting to get harder to do. And then it's almost summer, so listeners, live listeners will probably be scares. Hell, Live listensers have been scares since around 2012. Make money? I probably could make money doing this. I could make money doing practically anything, but I'm too scared to take a chance. To take a chance on doing something that doesn't fall within the "status quo", what most of society sees as "normal". 

Normal, that's a joke. Normal, what is normal? Is normal going to work at 7, 8 o'clock, working 8 hours, and coming home? I don't think it is anymore. Why can't everything be like The Brady Bunch, or Happy Days, etc? Because that's what is deemed normal. But history has shown, is showing that we're changing. Our history, Our mindset, Our beliefs are changing. Even our perceptions of right and wrong, morality and decency. We are in an ever-changing world. If we don't grow, we don't move on. 

If we hadn't have grown, do you think we would have cars, cable, computers, The George Foreman Grill? (lol) Okay......
But seriously, if we hadn't succumbed to change, where would we be? I would probably be in a wooden wheelchair.  lol. We'd all be riding covered wagons and cooking our food by the fire. 

I know that I need to get my shit in gear. I know that. But when? ....I'm not getting any younger. Yeah lol, that's another story for another time. (lol)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Tech Trends- The Samsung "Smartwatch"/ And Microsoft.........

I don't know how many of you follow tech trends. But has anyone seen this? It's the new Samsung Galaxy Gear SmartWatch. I saw this last week, because I'm fortunate to have one of the financial channels here at the hospital. 

I looked at this watch and I wasn't impressed. I more or less shrugged it off, because it just reminded me of those old video game playing watches of the 80's, that weren't all that popular, were they?....

And Apple-With all due respect to the genius and the brilliant mind of the late Steve Jobs, has "Microsoft" lost some or most of it's momentum and drive since the death of the innovator? The mastermind?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I Want To Be Happy

Today I realized that I'm not happy. I'm not owning my own life. I'm living carefully. Not wanting to piss anybody off, and conforming to what other people want from me. Example, I love my mom. But I'm 34 yrs old. I have to stop being concerned about what she wants or thinks. I have a trip to Vegas tentatively scheduled for January. I asked my best friend to go with me because I assume that my mom wouldn't want me to go alone, so I asked him. (Assumptions can often be wrong) I love the guy, but I don't want him to go. I often allow people to step over me, in conversations. Even though they have my best interests at heart. I want to travel. England, Romania, Scotland, Greece etc. But I'm allowing others to "step on me" and not allow me to go. To do the things that I want to do. I'm an adult. And I will keep on saying that until it gets through, to everyone.  

At home I feel "stepped on" as well. Not often, but it's noticeable. Don't think for one second that I don't know. I know a lot more than you think. I'm not happy. I want to be happy. I deserve to be happy. 

I want to be happy. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

"I Won't Pander, I Hope"

I've been a podcaster for almost 3 years now. And I have my own group of loyal followers, and I'm proud of that. And I may not have the most exciting or the most popular podcast, and that's it? For a long time, I've said that I want to be known. I want to be known in as many places as I could. One of the original thoughts was that I don't want to have a show that would basically be another "Access Hollywood", you know? I want my podcast to be more than some celebrity gossip forum. 
But as I look and observe, I'm noticing that the majority, the masses are gravitating to that. And therefore, they are getting the larger audiences, the bigger numbers. Now I know that podcasts are meant to be downloaded or saved so that one could listen to them later on or at anytime. But to be honest, it would be nice to have a large audience and be able to bounce things off of people, to start a conversation, a conversation that sometimes could go past the 30 minutes to an hour that my show lasts. 

I don't want my show to be another smut platform. 

That is my short rant for the day. lol :-) 

Catch ya on the Flipside!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


So perhaps I need to change my ways a little. I started out as a blogger. Well I don't know if you could call what I wrote, blogs. I think that when I began blogging back in 2003 or 2004 I was in a way writing a journal. Albeit when I was on MySpace, most of my blogs focused around very negative things. Maybe MySpace wasn't a good thing for me. Nevertheless, I'm floating off topic. I think that I'm a good writer. I'm a fairly decent writer at that. But I'm wondering and honestly beginning to think that along with my podcasts, which I love doing, perhaps I should start writing again, and incorporating my thoughts not only through my podcasts, but back into the written word as well. 
    It's funny, almost three years ago I was saying that I want to start sharing my feelings and opinions through the spoken word. I guess I got so caught up in that, that I'd forgotten that a lot if not all "content creators" do write as well. Now even in my podcasts, I start out thinking that I have a lot to say. My mind is telling me that I have a lot to say. But when it comes down to "showtime", a lot of what I was thinking I was going to say gets lost. At least with writing, or a blog, I can think about what I want to say or am going to say and not have to worry about "dead air" or that people are listening in and waiting for me to say something. 
    Maybe I should start writing again, in addition to going on the air with my podcast(s) and sometimes loosing a thought or forgetting what I was going to say. If I have a thought, I should come here and type it out and not go on the air, thinking that I know what I'm going to say. And then go on, and nothing. (lol)

Maybe it's time to start sharing my time between sharing my thoughts through the written or as well as the spoken word.......

Catch Ya on the Flipside