Thursday, December 31, 2020

Reflecting on "2020"

 It's been six years since I've spoken here, I think that the events of the past year have made me want to reflect, react, and talk about a few things. This year has been the most difficult in many of our lifetimes. Not since the Swine Flu of 2009 have we been in this much disarray.  A lot to talk about. Shutdowns, closures, businesses closing, lives changing, Omg! Lives changing, Ha! That's an understatement. Over 300,000 lives lost. I can't fathom that. I refuse to, but it's true. 

Say what you will, I really don't care if you disagree with me. We've had a president who doesn't give a god damn about anyone but himself, and what/who will help him. That's enough of that. lol. Our saving graces, haha, that's funny, because one of our saving graces is a nurse, a medical worker, a friend named Grace. The medical workers, first responders, doctors, nurses. People who care for others! The other day, I heard a fire truck siren, and thought, "You know, I haven't heard many of those this year," I would usually hear them just about every day, it was like a normal occurrence, a normal sound, thing to me. "Ignorance" is a lack of understanding. I'd like to think that I don't understand why people don't social distance, wear masks. It's for different reasons. They don't believe or trust what they are being told, they don't care, or they think that it won't happen to them. The majority of people understand, they just refuse to believe what is "right in front of them". 

"Stupidity" is behavior that shows a lack of good sense or judgment. We've seen a lot of that this year as well. And I understand it, to a degree. for some, it's been frustration, the frustration of not being able to go out and do things, see people, be with friends and loved ones. I saw something the other day that made me laugh. "Hey, wanna get together? I'll send you a link." Lol. Thank goodness for social media. Lol, there are two sides to that, but I digress. lol. For us in the U.S. Zoom( has been a wonderful thing, I feel like it's brought me together with people whom I haven't connected with, in a long time. I zoom with my mom, our cousins, my aunt, and it's a blast. Thank you Zoom for keeping us together. 

We have a vaccine, two vaccines, and another soon to be on the way I've just heard, and they can't come soon enough. I will be taking the vaccine, and I will deal with the potential third eye, arm, or nipple if that should happen. lol (things said on social media) "Facepalm". lol

The first thing that I want to do when we're able to again, is to go for a ride with my cousins Chris and Carole. It's written, documented lol. Chris, Carole. Xoxo

I'm praying for a far better year in 2021. Cheers to that! 

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